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  • lipstickonuscis
    09-23 12:24 PM

    I am wondering if they will be eligible for exemption too. I am sure some of us have already taken the risky plunge and bought a house.

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    02-13 11:27 AM
    Way to go Arvind..... Chandu pls note 2 contributors without even a campaign launch.

    But on the flip side I totally agree with Walkingdude that once IV files a case then it is the end of discussion and everything else. So again consult a good lawyer actually a very good lawyer.....and then decide to proceed.

    We will stand with whatever our IV core decides but lets give it a serious thought

    IV team & friends, please remember this is just my first phase of contribution and can go beyond than what I confirmed if we know how much it's going to cost.....

    Go IV team, you have my Nth degree of support in this matter and will do as much as I all are doing great..

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  • nixstor
    09-23 01:29 AM
    As completely unrelated these two issues are (from a law maker's perspective) on a normal day, these are possibly those times when each of these issues can help the other.

    IV has been discussing about the possibility of one for two solution (partial). The idea is to request congress to exempt EB applicants & their dependents from numerical limits of the Immigrant visas, if they buy a home. It is my belief that market sentiment is the most important thing in any financial market(s) and the housing prospects look pretty bleak. There are lot of members in the EB community that have NOT bought their own home, even though they could afford one because of the uncertainty with EB GC. IV's idea is to bridge the financial committees and judiciary committees in the House/Senate and see if corresponding Chairman/Ranking members are willing to listen. Things are moving so fast with the 700bn USD bail out plan and we will NOT have time to do things the normal way, through our counsel. We have to present this idea to the corresponding staff members of key members of congress (see list below) and see if this gets traction now or going forward.

    Please do not bring EB-5 discussion/comparison here. The proposed partial solution is different from EB-5 in that EB-5 investors invest money and we are investing in our future with a genuine intention of making USA our permanent home.

    If you already have a home, thats fine. Any such legislation will reduce the wait times in EB categories and we need housing markets to rebound for a safer economy before the ripple effects are felt every where.

    Who to write to

    Staff members(Chief of Staff, Legislative LA, Financial LA, Legislative Director) of Chairman/Ranking members of House/Senate Judiciary committee & Finance/Banking committee, Staff members of your representative and your senators. Please find staff members of the committees in the spreadsheet (

    You can find your representative & senator staff members on this website (

    Please use valid email addresses and NOT fictitious/junk mail. It undermines the whole purpose and our emails will be flagged by mail scanners / spam checkers as some thing similar to famous Nigeria bank account scams.

    Email Subject: Proposal to alleviate current US Housing/economic crisis



    This proposal alleviates the current US economic crisis, by motivating the US high skilled, legal immigrant workers to purchase homes. The size of this immigrant population is approximately 800,000 individuals. This effort if successful would inject up to US$ 20Billion approximately into the economy (approximately US$ 100 Billion in houses sold across the country) , while at the same time directing this money into the root cause of the economic crisis – the illiquidity of the national housing market. The above calculation is done
    assuming a median US home price of $212,400 and buyers making a down-payment of 20% of the cost of the home. Roughly estimating 400,000 buyers.


    Undoubtedly, we are all devastated by the shake up on Wall Street in the past 15 days. Experts agree that the underpinning problem is the housing crisis caused by sub-prime mortgage loans. Many of us, who cannot afford our monthly mortgage payments are losing homes and putting them up for sale and foreclosure, which further adds to the crisis. At the same time, most of the Employment-based (EB) immigrant community would like to purchase homes and make the United States a permanent home for their families. These EB immigrants however, are living in a state of limbo, mostly in rental apartments because of the delays and uncertainties involved with the EB immigration procedure. The wait times in EB categories are exacerbated by the delays in processing by USCIS, even though eligible applicants have filed for Permanent Residency also known as Adjustment of Status. Such processing delays have resulted in the wastage of 218,000 immigrant visa numbers (Page 52 of USCIS Ombudsman Annual report 2007). The current Department of State visa bulletin shows 7+ years of wait times in certain categories. We strongly believe that legislation can be worked out in such a way that the housing markets all over the country can move towards recovery, while at the same time motivating the Green Card applicants to catalyze this recovery.

    It should be noted that this proposal by no means brings more immigrant workers into the US. The workers in the EB, skilled category are already present in the US, doing skilled jobs that no US worker is available to do. They are part of the long queue of backlogged cases that USICIS will eventually process; however, this wait can take years and in that case could not be used as a tool to minimize the course of the current economic crisis.


    Congress can pass legislation that exempts EB green card applicants and their dependents from the numerical limits of visa numbers, provided applicant(s) have bought a home making 20% down payment on the sale price of the home, for a time period deemed necessary by the congress.

    How can Employment based Immigrants help alleviate the housing problem?

    (1) Employment based immigrants are highly skilled and are employed in occupations such as Software, IT, Health care, Energy, Finance, Education and Research & Development across the United States.

    (2) Average income of these individuals/households is around 65,000/130,000 USD.

    (3) All these Employment based immigrants have gone through Department of Labor’s recruiting process, which certifies that there is no willing, able and qualified US Citizen to do the job.

    (4) Most of the Employment based immigrants have excellent credit history and good source of income to make the payments needed for their home mortgage.

    (5) By requiring a 20% down payment from this group of buyers, Congress can directly channel this money to where it is need most – at the banks.

    (6) Employment based green card applicants have been living in the United States for 6-8 years. Many of them have US graduate degrees in their fields of expertise. These applicants are well versed with the American culture and will not change the cultural landscape.

    (7) Financial burden on US government and treasury will be reduced drastically if the glut of houses in the market decreases.

    As a member of the community that wants to make the US its permanent home, I want to contribute to a solution that helps USA and US during these tough times. I sincerely believe that the 30 year commitment on mortgages by Employment based immigrants in the housing market, backed by solid, risk free mortgages can turn the down ward spiral in the housing market into a upward spiral.


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  • garybanz
    02-15 10:27 AM
    If anyone is willing to take this forward (with or without IV) then i'll b happy to contribute financially


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  • BharatPremi
    12-13 01:22 PM
    Hello All,

    First and foremost, i must thank everyone from IV, who is working tirelessly to resolve the issues of retrogression in the GC process. As an affected individual I am very grateful that leaders of IV are ready to contribute so much effort for its goals. And even though I do not actively work for the IV agenda, I have contributed money to some IV action items.

    I have a question/suggestion regarding the IV agenda. On IV's about page, pt number 2 asserts amongst other things,
    The Discriminatory Per-Country Rationing of Green Cards That Exacerbates the Delays.

    and further in the same point

    We do not allow employers to discriminate hiring based on their nationality or country of origin. Therefore, the employment-based immigration, which is a derivative benefit of employment, should also be free from rationing based on nationality or country of birth.

    I am curious to know what is the "legal" strength of these assertions is. Are they just "moral" statements or can the validity of these statements be tested in the legal framework of this country? In other words, my question is what is the constitutionality of the "Per Country Caps" in Employment / Family Based Immrigration procedures.
    A lot of Laws and Statutes have been challenged in the Judicial System of USA. And many more are challenged every year. And if the laws are not constitutional then they can be repealed.

    I am sure the leaders of IV must have thought about this argument however a quick search of the forums with 'constitutionality' as the search term did not return any results.

    IV's efforts to utilize Lobbying to bring about change to alleviate/eliminate retrogression are certainly beneficial. However, if IV has not already considered and eliminated this legal argument, then it should explore whether there is any substance to this approach.

    Hence this post. Below are some of the links that might be relevant.

    wikipedia article on constitutionality (
    wikipedia category on US immigration case law ( ion_case_law)

    thanks and sincerely,


    I am not a lawyer. Here is my understanding as a lay man:

    What is constitution?

    A: At some point of time, group of people, with having confidence from
    majority of people, with a centralizing tone of some common
    philosophy/ethics, create the framework of regulations with a goal to make
    society orderely, to make sure that common good of people remains
    prevalent and maintained and assures the penalty for deed done agianst
    common good and breaking the common order of the society. Wise ones,
    accepting the limit of individual capabilities, understanding the different
    needs of the society at different time, keep windows opened to improve
    the "base" constitution with making sure all checks and balances do not
    allow the misuse and hecnce the word "Amendment/s" have the existence.

    Now there has to be some base ground when base consitution is prepared.
    What that could be? During the process of human evolution, with accumulated experience of centuries, human societies have established some common practices which we now name "Ethics" and amazingly many are similar across many culture. For example, Burglary is considered crime in each and every society without any question or difference. Why?.. I do not like somebody snatches away my chain as in my mind I have established my ownership to that chain. You also do not like it somebody snatches away your car.If there are only two humans on earth, things might have been simpler considering one is burglar of those two. But here in society now every body has to establish the proof that s/he is aowner of something and somebody else snatches that away then it is not good. So wise ones decided (to keep
    controlled and organized society) made a rule : "From today we will call the act of snatching something away from somebody an act of crime if the person can prove that s/he is the original owner of that thing and let's call that person a "burglar" because he snatched away the thing" Now it was suited to everybody because it was protecting their belonging so that was established as "Ethics" and stories of "criminal behaviour"were created by every society for snatching away the thing from somebody. That make every human understand the fact that snatching away is bad thing
    (if done openly:), If lawyer snatches away big money from your pocket .. no it is not a crime or that matter USCIS... just kidding :))

    Now making story short, after 200/300 years of evolution, USA has legally decided to push the "Ethics" of employment: "Equivalent Oppertunity to all Citizens without race, creed, color, country of origin" and "Skill is the criteria of an employment" Now when these ethical and progressive principals are already implemented for common good of citizens, it should be implemented for foreign labor (non immigrants/immigrants).

    Can we "constitutionally" label some person that, hey you will be called burglar if you snatches thing away from US born person but you will not be called burglar if you snatches away the thing from pakistani or Sweedish or Chiense who has just arrived in this country?

    So bootmline: If at all constitution is permitting "per country based ceilings" then
    we will have to fight to change that because it is not right.

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  • saturnring11
    07-22 04:21 PM
    While we are all sharing about our Amway solicitation experiences, let me share what I've seen in the last few years.

    Background: In the last 6 years, I've been approached over 2 dozen times in the Bay Area. Things got so bad that the same guys have approached me more than 3 times in some cases before realizing that they've already talked to me before.

    Incident #1:
    A guy approached me while I was at the mall saying "hi" and striking up a conversation. During our short chat, this 20-something desi guy proceeds to tell me that he is the CIO of Fox News. At which time I pull out my iPhone and look him up using my LinkedIn app under the guise of adding him to my network. Turns out he is an engineer at a local company which he covers up by being embarassed and saying "I haven't updated my profile." I joke about how he moved up in his career so quickly - he then makes an excuse and walks away. I never hear from him again. Another reason to love technology!

    Incident #2:
    I get approached while shopping at the local GAP store. Being a veteran of this form of solicitation, I respond by saying that I work for the San Jose Mercury News and that we are doing a story on Multi-Level Marketing schemes. I ask him if he knows anyone who would be willing to chat on the record. This guys says "Nope, don't know anyone" and walks away. I never see him again...

    Incident #3:
    I am at the Nike store and get approached by this guy asking me if I work at Google (I do not). I tell him "Nope" and walk away before he can ask me another question. I have been approached by this same guy 2 more times at other stores (within 6 months) asking me similar questions. The 3rd time, I tell him - "We've spoken before - No, I don't work at Google, No, I'm not from Delhi and No, I'm not interested in what you are selling." He is stunned and walks away with his tail between his legs :)

    Incident #4:
    The local Fry's is a popular hang out for Amway-types. I learned the hard way because I made my first mistakes here. Both guys that struck up a good conversation with me turned out to be Amway types. After the 2nd phone call, I tell them that if they call me again, I will report them to the authorities and Fry's for illegal solicitation and harassment.
    This stops both people in their tracks. I never see them at Fry's again!

    Bottom-line: Hold your ground, use technology and don't be afraid to kick them around a little bit. Saying "No" is golden!


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  • tikka
    07-04 12:25 AM
    Dugg all 3

    so much!!

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  • jsb
    06-04 12:57 PM
    Giving an interim GC while visa number is unavailable will have the effect of bypassing the entire GC quota system. How do you want the interim card to be different from the final thing? No way that anyone in Congress will allow for their laws to be overridden through USCIS rulemaking.

    I just used the term Interim GC to convey the idea, it could be named anything. It could also be mere letter "...your application for AOS has been approved....formal card will be issued when visa number becomes available". EAD is a also a partial GC, it gives you rights of a GC holder pending administrative processing of your application - to work with any employer. The interim GC (or whatever it should be called) may provide all rights of a GC holder, awaiting final count in the legal register of permanent residents (due to legal need of numeric limitations) and the final card, just like a temporary driver license you get immediately after the road test. The idea is that once this stage is passed, no further questions on employment, marriage certificates, etc. should be asked. It should reduce burden on USCIS too. They have to keep on checking again and again on validity of everything we write in our application.


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  • ArkBird
    04-01 02:21 AM
    Please also consider the forced sacrifice country and millions of your countrymate made due to Nehru clan compared to the "sacrifice" Nehru himself made.

    I really feel that you are brainwashed and immatured. Although Nehru might have made some mistakes like China war, what did India really lose in that war? And how many years since then India has had to fix the problem? You should also read about Nehru's sacrifices and his movements along side Mahatma Gandhi that earned the nation its freedom.

    Now you have chosen to be a secondary citizen/ slave in america is a different matter altogether, but many back home in India are thankful they are free and independent nation.

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  • Wendyzhu77
    07-16 06:24 PM
    You should know that processing day means NOTHING! If you are after that, it doesn't mean your case will not be processed. If you are before that, it doesn't mean your case has been processed.
    So surprised there are still lots of people keeping an eye on processing day. That's totally useless piece of information.


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  • sobyb
    05-02 09:52 PM
    I am watching this thread last 36 hours, this is not media to discuss political issues, we are here to educate/lobby so called law makers of this country for our immigration issues.


    Tamils in SL is not Indian citizen but they migrated long back still have culture,family relation in India. Rajive got assassinated because he is trying to implement unpopular/unacceptable foreign policy in SL simply by trusting his popularity (he deserved for his mistake) One Sikh killed Indira but we accept another Sikh as our PM. It is Indian gov. lobbied efforts to ban LTTE by western country. they are well organized, disciplined and high tech group. some people raise another issue, they recruited young children to fight, we all are talking so called democartic India, still encouraging child labor every where in India. Srilanka Government boldy refusing all western country pressure, even United Nation (UN, this is pice of shit in the trash) unable to convience SL gov. because it is backed by Indian gov. or you may called Sonia gov.

    Bottom line is Sonia is taking revenge on Tamils by supporting SL gov., after all she is from the country that killed Jesus.

    We already denounced India, I am carrying Indian passport with shame.

    see the link below,

    This post clearly shows your poor judgement, please start viewing/analyzing politics and history beyond your group/creed/clan's interest.

    Be proud of being an Indian!

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  • Macaca
    01-16 11:58 AM
    Wonder what is being achieved from these "lively" debates other than feeding the other side with enough ammo to decimate all of us.

    Nearly all laws/regulations originate from such garbage.

    Hira/Matloff's US born donkeys scavange these blogs 24/7. Some of these scavengers are hired.

    The garbage is then processed by Hira/Matloff.

    The processed garbage is passed to Dustbin/Grassley/Sanders and Herbst/Thibodeau. Herbst/Thibodeau print this garbage after adding sleaze (curry, slumdog, ...) and generalizing to all Americans. They pre-inform these (less then 10) donkeys who add more garbage within an hour and continue with distinct names. They block everyone out to give the impression that these are mainstream American opinions.

    Then, Dustbin/Gr assley/Sanders propose laws and USCIS makes regulations claiming all Americans are severly impacted.

    There is no problem if it true. But 80% is complete garbage.

    The 20% truth is a personal problem. It does not require a law/regulation - specially, a law/regulation to kill the entire system backdated for 10 US born donkeys.

    This is also the story of the Dustbin/Gr ass ley curry bill (in CIR 2010).

    Hira/Matloff have lied their ass off. At every level!

    It is very unfortunate that USICS/lawmakers (other than Dustbin, Grassley, Sanders) pander to these scumbags. Such laws/regulations will not provide any relief to these donkeys.


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  • vinrobo
    07-21 02:05 PM
    When I moved to Cali about 2 yrs back from the midwest, I saw a guy at a desi store in the bay area who looked very similar to an old school friend whom I have not seen in 14 yrs. I went upto him and started talking to him asking if he was the same guy, He insulted me and avoided me like the plague. In midwest, I have not had any similar exp when I have tried stiking any conversation with a desi, so I was shocked. Then my BIL who had been living in the bay area for a while tole me about amway cons being in huge numbers and the fact that Desis do not trust anyone in the bayarea who appear friendly and the probable reason why this guy behaved the way he did. It is sad that we cannot be friendly to our own countrymen.

    sad indeed. but its not isolated to bay area.

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  • la6470
    01-16 02:41 PM

    Now the question of this memo being is good or bad is debatable but it surely does get rid of body shoppers for good.
    Edison, NJ is going to be a ghost town.

    How else is a consulting company supposed to work - if they do not send their consultants to client site? Consulting is not always a one month affair - all IT organizations need long term consulting on permanent basis from subject matter experts. Again I know for sure that this is a misguided memo from some folks in USCIS who has no practical understanding of the complexity of modern IT organizations.


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  • gc4me
    07-16 02:05 PM
    I-140 IS NOT PORTABLE. PD is portable.
    You can get 7th year extension to your H1 transfer to caompany B based on your I-140 approval from previous compnay. You have to file new LC and I-140 from your new company and while filing I-140, you port your old PD by providing your old I-140.

    My labor is approved in August 2007 and I have approved I140.It is likely that my company might declare chapter 11(bankrupt).I have not yet filed my I1485 yet as dates are not current for my PD.

    My question is can I port my I140 to a different company B and extend my H1 based on the approved I140 from company A.
    If yes, What documents do I need from company A to get this done.There were some posts which said I cannot port without having my 485 filed and pending approval for 180 this true?
    Can someone provide some suggestion what would be good approach.

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  • binadh
    07-11 12:50 PM
    Same with the Guy you just Bad Mouthed... He said that he Loves = Prem USA. Oh well forget about it. .... YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.

    My "Avtar Name" is "BharatPremi" not "BharatVasi" To do "Prem" you do not have to be "vasi":)


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  • ita
    04-16 12:21 PM
    You know what I used to think like this too.

    President of India is put up in hotel and Saino&family in palace during Bhutan king coronation and they said Saino is personal guest of the royal family so may be that's ok.

    Media on one hand calls this person homemaker (Priyanka Gandhi)and on the other hand reports that she is in Bangladesh having talks/dinner with Bangladesh PM with Bangladesh State providing security to her which looks like a official visit.Media doesn't mention in what nature is this offcial apart from NREG stuff which looks very fishy.

    Just after UPA came to power Sonia goes to Russia in Reliance plane to meet with Putin.
    I tried to find out why Sonia is in Russia but almost all the papers were excited about the reliance plane(could it be Anil's or Mukhesh's) but didn't say anything about Russia visit.I moved on and still don't what was it about though hoping it was something good for country and not revival of KGB connection(When U.S.S.R collapsed it was made public from KGB archive that Rajiv/Sonia were constant recipients of KGB money.?,it's anybody's guess ).

    Then Sona/Rahul went to china and media was saying Sonia is trying to tell China that their family is back in power making it seem like monarchy within democracy.

    When our company pays for cleaning agency to do the household cleaning for it's employees ,the help that comes to our house will take orders from us rite? Seems the same with some of these media guys.

    What's interesting is people who call themselves cream of the top,(who say) can think clearly are willing to trust the future of their sons and well being of their daughters in the hands of this family.

    Most sickening part was UPA leaders only concentrated on abusing, denying and accusing. They never told the voters if they did any work in last 5 years. I know there wasn't a lot to tell but still the whole campaign is kind of useless...and the role of media is amazing, they just covered 5 people Maino Antonia, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, Advani & Modi as if nobody else exist in the country. Priyanka Gandhi wakes up every 5 years during elections and media runs after...How sick a country we are ???

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  • Pineapple
    12-14 03:37 PM
    To summarize the discussions on this thread:

    Yes, it is 7 % for all countries.

    Now it is manifestly obvious that the 7 % figure is arbitrary, and not fair. That much we can all agree on.

    The real question, as raised in the first post of the thread by soljabhai is:

    (A) Is that constitutional?
    (B) (And this is the real question): If it is, what should we do about it?

    Intelligent questions, both.
    The answer to (A) is not clear. We need a competent constitutional expert to opine on the matter.
    For (B), (which is what the thread is really all about), there are lively discussions with differing views.
    lazycis has presented good evidence that the case is not cut and dried legally. It might be unfair, but those are the laws.
    mbartosik, alterego, me and others have argued (from different angles) in terms of pragmatism. (Cost is not worth the benefit)
    garybanz, soljabhai, and others have argued that it is worth it (Cost is worth the benefit).

    Anyway, agree or disagree, its an interesting thread with interesting posts..

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  • gjoe
    02-15 05:06 AM
    [QUOTE=hopefulgc;223549]thats bull.... disclosure is not requored.... my dog is a member of six professional canine associations ... does he have to bark it all up.

    Are you implying that we are treated like dogs here? If your answer is yes we have a credible case against USCIS. If your answer is no then my friend ( buddy as Indians and pakis say) you have to disclose your associations.


    06-02 04:07 PM
    Why can't you find and talk to a good lawyer and spend your own money on consultation. We will know you are serious about it.

    Ohhh, i didnt know Ganguteli = IV

    09-14 03:24 PM
    I got the below numbers from the PERM FDLC site.
    2005 India 1353
    2006 India 3888
    2007 India 60
    2008 India 10

    Total 5311
    5311 for both EB1-5 : So taking 50% for EB2I - 2655
    GC : 2655*2.5 = 6637 ~ 6500 (considering lucky 2008 Aug-Sep approvals, 2009 Sept)

    What are the hopes for individuals who missed Jul 07. In my case my labor got approved in Oct 07 and we are still waiting for the date to be current to be able to file for EAD / AP. Based on the figures that you show, I believe that all 2006 people should get cleared in the coming year and the traffic for 2007 & 2008 is quite less. What are the predictions for the PD movement till year end?

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