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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Navaneet Kaur Hot Pics, Navneet Kaur Hot Pics, Navaneet Kaur Hot Photos, Navaneet Kaur Hot Photos, Navaneet Kaur Biography, Navneet Kaur Biography
Women's Day, Why Not Men's Day
I've wondered why the men got left behind when it comes to a day dedicated to them. We also have children's day apart from women's day. To celebrate a fully balanced male is to actually celebrate the feminine and the child in oneself. This means a balanced man also accesses his feminine qualities without being effeminate. He has softness and firmness, not aggression. The most fearful people are the ones who are most aggressive. Right through history we have seen instances of how the aggressive scheming group due to greed misappropriates another's wealth or knowledge. Thus men also should celebrate women's day knowing they are celebrating their own gentler side that is capable of deep love and tenderness.
A Yoga Technique to Worry Less
Women have a habit of putting themselves last, especially those with a pronounced maternal instinct. Their children's health or their spouse's or the health of their kith and kin comes before their own and they worry about it all the time. The caretaker needs to take care of her health first to be able to do her best. If a woman is working then the excuse. I hear most often is that she has not time. Hence I have listed a very simple technique called the cleansing breath that one can practise at any time during the day in 2 to 2 minutes segments.
Yogacharini Maitreyi is a practical mystic who teaches yoga and creates conscious community around the world.
Yogacharini Maitreyi is a practical mystic who teaches yoga and creates conscious community around the world.