Lindsay Lohan crack tears earn 90 days in jail
What I like Judge Marsha Revel? I send her flowers. I liked that Revel is not SH-T. I love that Lindsay goes to jail. For 90 days. It is not mandatory 90 days in jail and after rehabilitation. And true test. I liked the list of recycling scams J. Revel crack addict Lindsay.
He said his mother's voice! Oooh, I loved the reference coke pants? And Lindsay cry all the time! Also - Lindsay should not lie down for two weeks, and go his lawyer called SCRAM Lindsay at this time in retirement.
Meaning Lindsay wanted to party and get drunk and smoke crack before he was jailed. Crackhead was rejected! The judge knew what was going on! This leaves SCRAM. So like, yeah, I feel a Spaz - Lindsay Lohan was found in violation of his probation and was allowed to make a statement to crack wanted to sue the court. One could safely say two things: 1. Lindsay believes that to crack the tears of his best performance.
2nd Crying because someone dared to call his delirium bullsh-t, because I really feel any of his antics crack. I began to feel that Lindsay was going to jail, when it became clear that the prosecutor and the judge wanted her ass. And the eyes and the tears back even more dramatic when the judge his voice Revel mom Lindsay was announced to jail for 30 days to do it, why 30 days and 30 days for a liar Crack Head.
I wanted to mention a few things - like a madman and dependent on crack, have been full of the Declaration of Lindsay? Some commentators have stressed that the trip "to Morocco, where he was" working with children.
"Really?" It is a appearance in a hotel made, he tried to bone Gerard Butler ("the chidlren!") But I'm big. India mean, not Morocco? And all this SH-T support on your "work" and "really? Oh, Lindsay and actually had to be trained in the behavior test. The drawing and writing, the sum of attention deficit disregard for his environment spastic eye rolling and pouting and should stop blowing. NOW. It. We hope. We spend 90 days in jail, okay? I will update!.

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